Friday 4 November 2011

if it's good enough for Wills n Kate...

So where does one take one's partner when one wishes to propose? I guess this was what was going through Prince Williams mind when he was trying to decide where to pop the question to Ms Middleton....

''Why to Il Ngwesi in Kenya'' was the answer he came up. Fast forward to Oct 2011 when I was given the opportunity to go to this stunning eco-lodge myself at a much discounted rate thanks to some rather fabulous friends I have made since I got here.

Entry to Il Ngwesi was diverted from the usual route (via my hometown- a story for another blog entry) to travel through the beautiful adjoining Lewa Conservancy, land owned by the family of Prince Williams ex Jecca Craig (is that weird at all?)

The entrance afforded me a close up of what has become over the weeks of travelling along this road to and from the shops each week, my favourite tree! I love how huge it is and its beautiful ball shaped top. In fact it is not a tree at all but a cactus! There's tons of them along the road but this one is my absolute favourite

We squeezed in to the awaiting vehicles which was a very snug fit but all thoughts of discomfort were soon forgotten at the appearence of the first animals.

A gorgeous group of elephants stripped bark from trees (to chew the bark? to eat the sap? or both?). I learned to identify SOME of those 'horned creatures' and was childishly amused by the cute little antelope that goes by the name 'dik dik'.

Arrival at Il Ngwesi was equally spectacular and it got better as we were taken to our rooms, all of which were entirely open to a view of an animal watering hole. No windows between us and nature, in fact there wasnt really any doors either with the rooms being cleverly sectioned with curved designs. As we were staying on a budget I shared my room with 3 other people, all volunteers too. None of us were prepared for the toilet being open to the world too, a loo with a most amazing view indeed

Its hard to describe the Il Ngwesi experience...The food was delicious, the staff so wonderful and joyous, taking time to celebrate birthdays of a few of the attendees and making a cake. We got to go on a walkabout tour with a Masaai guide and visit a village compound too where we learned about traditional ways of hunting, beekeeping and day to day life.

I mostly enjoyed slipping away down to the hide to spy on the animals that came to the watering hole. The highlight being one nervous reticulated giraffe who after several attempts finally made what can only be described as an undignified (considering how elegant these creatures move) leg spread/knee bend to drink from the hole- a spectacular experience which I will never forget!

It would be remiss of me not to include a link to this fantastic destination..just incase... www.

Happy days in Kenya!